Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Our Thanksgiving Week

It has been a very busy couple of weeks. Skip completed another term of school and did great. Go, Skip!! We were both looking so forward to finals being over and vacations starting.

On Friday of finals week, however, our vacation plans changed. We learned that Jace would need to have his tonsils and adenoids out on Tuesday (2 days before Thanksgiving). It was good timing in that Skip would be off from school to be there and help out, but also bad timing in that we did not want to spend our Thanksgiving vacation in this way.

Tuesday rolled around and Jace had his surgery. Everything went well. We even had a friend in on the operation to take extra good care of Jace, Thanks Levi. The surgery went well and now it was on to recovery. Jace was every bit as crazy, coming out of anesthesia, as his brother has been. He was thrashing around not understanding what was happening. This is so hard to watch as a mom. I felt so bad for him. After being in the recovery room for a couple of hours we were able to take Jace home.

Jace's surgery has been a lot harder of a recovery, than I remember of Casen's. Jace has just been extremely moody. He also absolutely hates taking his medications....it takes both Skip and I to hold him down and give them to him, even then sometimes he spits them right back out. That part has been really frustrating.

So, this week was spent mostly relaxing, watching movies, holding Jace, etc. etc. We did have a nice Thanksgiving dinner with all of the fixings. Yummy. We were also able to get all of our Christmas stuff set up (at least as much as we are willing to do for this year). Here are some pictures.

Here are the boys hanging Christmas lights outside. Skip really did not want to hang lights this year but Casen was so excited to do it that it was a must.

Dad basically did all of the work.....while the boys played

Here is the final product. Not a lot of lights......but enough that the kids were impressed.

The boys were so proud of the Christmas tree they helped to decorate.


Alesha said...

Poor Jace, I think I need my tonsils out! I love the pics. I was gonna say that is pretty good you are going all with the lights when you are coming home. A few is perfect! I still can not believe how much snow you have!

Julie said...

How sad to get yout tonsils out two days before the best food of the whole year. Did you make him a turkey smoothie? :) Your lights look good. I keep wondering if David is even going to put ours up... Your tree looks great too!

Levi and Suzi said...

I'm so glad Jace looks like he's doing better! The lights look good. The things we do to make kids happy... :)

Jenn said...

We had the same problem with Noah. He spit all of the medicine out. We put it in a little med cup and let him drink it himself or push the syringe himself and he did a little better.

Cicely said...

Poor kid. Please give him a hug for me. I got my wisdom teeth out the day before Thanksgiving and what made it even worse was that David went snowboarding that Thanksgiving and ended up in the hospital with a collapsed lung. ...I'm glad thats over.

Your decorations are cute.

Michelle said...

I'm impressed you put lights on the house. They look great, I'll have to come over and see them in person. My trick to get the kids to take medicine is mixing it with a bit of soda and using a straw. Works every time. Sometimes they even beg for medicine!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the update on Jace. I have been wondering how you guys have been doing. We have been thinking about little Jace.

P.S. Beautiful tree and lights.

Blatter said...

Your house looks great! I hope Jace is feeling a lot better!

em said...

I'm sorry you all had to go through that with Jace, how hard. I hope your kids are feeling better. Your house and tree look great!