A. The rules are posted at the begining.
B. Each person answers the questions about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the person then tags people and posts
their names, then goes to there blog and leaves a comment, letting
them know they have been tagged.
*10 years ago
Ten years ago, in June, I graduated from high school (I can not
believe I am that old). I played all summer and then started school
at the University of Utah in the fall.
*5 things on my to-do list
Wow this list is so long I dont know where to begin. First I would say
it is to get organized; my house, life, etc. Second is to go grocery
shopping. Third is to work with Casen on school stuff, letters, sounds,
etc. Fourth is to read to Casen and Jace. Fifth is to try and squeze
some time in with my husband.
*Things I would do if I were suddenly made a bilionaire
I keep waiting for this one to happen. First I would pay off debt,
those student loans haunt me. Second, I would buy a new camera
because I have been wanting to for a long time. I would then set
my family up for life. Here's to dreaming!!
*3 of my bad habits
I definitely know what number one is.......DIET COKE.......and how
much of it I drink. Unfortunately it is my life saver for working nights.
Number two would be never filling my car up when it is out of gas.
Skip is always getting after me that when he gets in my car it is always
empty. Last would be not wearing my wedding ring (I am always running
crazy in the mornings and a lot of times miss that step).
*Jobs I have had
I worked at Artic Circle (hamburger joint) as a cashier. I worked at County
Seat (Bankrupt clothes store). I worked the longest period of time at
Holiday Oil (Gas Station). I worked there through a lot of high school and
some of college. I really liked it. I basically just socialized with all of the
customers. You would be so surprised how many of the same people go to
the same gas station everyday. You really get to know the loyal customers.
I also worked at Discover Card, in collections. Life Guard at Ragging Waters
(after I was married, before kids....Skip thought I was crazy). and then last
as a nurse at Cottonwood Hospital and now at Hamot Medical Center.
*Things people don't know about me
When I was growing up I spent winters in Utah, with my mom and summers
in Hawaii, with my dad. I have gone to school forever (2 degrees from the
U of U). People always gave me a hard time that I didnt really know what
I wanted to be when I grew up. Even after graduating with my second degree
people would ask what I was going to do next. I think I just really enjoy going
to school....learning. Another big thing that most people, but not everyone
knows, is that Skip and I were high school sweet hearts. We started dating in
the middle of my sophmore year and have been madly in love since that time.
We got married June 2, 2001.
Wow.........Does everyone know me a little better now.
I will tag Jenn and Michelle
8 years ago
Ok I totally loved reading yours! Especially your jobs! They almost all cracked me up! Raging waters...married...LOL!
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