Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Erie Winter is Here!

So yesterday we woke up to snow everywhere. My boys were very excited by this, me not so much. Skip was excited because this meant he could finally try out his new snow blower machine. Casen was dying to make a snow man, or at least go drive trucks through the snow. Jace just looked out the window in amazement.

When Skip got home from school he bundled the little boys and himself up. They went outside and snowplowed the drive way and the side walks. Casen and Jace just loved playing in the snow.

*I would have gotten pictures outside but it was already pretty dark out, that is the problem with the sun setting so early.


Breshears's said...

Brook I can't believe how much Jace looks like Brandon. Cute family.

Levi and Suzi said...

Can you believe this Erie snow...ALREADY? I looked at this post and the one below it from Halloween with the green lawns. What a difference a week makes!