Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Casen's first day of Kindergarten

Today was Casen's first day of Kindergarten, oh my how time flies. Casen was excited, and maybe a little bit nervous about starting school. He was very thrilled that he would be riding the school bus to school.
When Casen arrived home he said school was fun. However, he did not give me the play by play of the day, as I had hoped. He just told be about the important stuff like lunch and recess. He eventually told me he also learned the numbers and letters...I asked him what letters he learned, and he stated that he learned all of them. I had to laugh.

 I cant get over how little Casen looks walking up to that big bus. I am pretty sure he is way to small/young to be heading off to school by himself.


Sami said...

I'm pretty sure Andi is too young too! How does he like riding the bus? Andi's school is practically in our front yard, so she doesn't get o ride, and I think when she realized that, she was a little bummed. He looked very handsome though, and not at all scared.

Michelle Baird Designs said...

He looked so sharp for his first day of school. Lily better watch out, another 5 year might move in on her man! Glad he had "fun".

Alesha said...

Awe he is growing up! How special! I love his cheesy grins! That bus driver is awesome too! haha

Wickywida said...

Wow Casen, look how big you are. I hope you enjoy school and learn all kinds of new things. I'll bet Jace was so bored while you were at school. I miss you so much. Grandma Vicki loves you. :o)

Ali Mae Johnson said...

At least you got good pictures. He looks really excited.

Anonymous said...

Yep, my nephew is a little stud!

Nick and Deanne said...

He looks so darling in those pictures. What a cute boy! I love that it's already about lunch and recess.

aLySsA said...

So fun! Good job Casen! I hope you loved your first day of school!

Levi and Suzi said...

What a cute, grown up, yet little guy! I'm glad he's liking school. It makes it that much easier on you!

Ty and Robynn said...

Hey preggers!! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you. We did switch to myspace. Not because blogging is to hard like Lys told you (we're not idiots :) but we know more people on myspace. Our add is You need to call me!!