Saturday, April 18, 2009


We had a great Easter this year. We were lucky and had my mom and sister here to celebrate with us (they flew in for a week and a half to be here when we had Cora). It was so much fun to have them here.

Here is Casen, Ciara, and Jace decorating Easter Eggs.

I love how excited Jace was doing the eggs. He thought this was great fun!

Here is Cora and Dad supervising the egg dying. Cora was not impressed.....Slept through the whole thing.

The Easter Bunny found us. He brought the boys remote control 4 wheelers and a basket. He brought Ciara a movie and her basket. Cora got an infant carrier as well as a basket.

Casen was very good at finding the easter eggs this year. The Easter Bunny did not fool him.

Jace absolutely loved all of the candy that came in his Easter Basket, especially the peeps. We ended up having to hide his candy from him. If we hadnt he would have sat down and ate it all in one sitting.


Michelle Baird Designs said...

Looks like a fun day and visit with your mom and sister. Funny Jace loves the peeps, my kids thought they were too sweet.

Levi and Suzi said...

Awww, the pic of Skip and Cora is adorable! Sometimes I think it would be better to let kids just eat as much candy as they can in the one day and be done with it. I haven't tried it yet, though. I'm not that brave. :)

Alesha said...

Cute cute Jace, I cant believe how big he is. Time to move back here so I can see you guys! And I cant wait to see the babe in person!

Jenn Elton said...

your little sister is a cutie. having a baby didn't slow you down at all! I am so impressed. Are you moving now? Call me if you need help. I will try and check on you.

Wickywida said...

Looks like you had a fun Easter. We didn't do anything this year - I spent Easter about the same way Cora did.